“First Crush: Navigating Love Through Childhood Memories”

Write about your first crush.

The journey of love often begins with our first crush, a moment that stays etched in our memories and shapes our understanding of relationships. For many, this experience is akin to a whirlwind of emotions and discoveries, but for some, like myself, it is intertwined with the profound impact of a father’s love.

From a young age, my father was my pillar of strength and the epitome of what a man should be. His love was unconditional, his guidance unwavering, and his presence a constant source of comfort. As I grew older and entered college, miles away from home, I found myself subconsciously comparing every man I met to the high standards set by my father.

One rainy day at the bus stand, amidst the pitter-patter of raindrops, I had an encounter that would be deemed my first crush in college. He walked past me with a demeanour reminiscent of a character from a Korean drama—confident, charming, and effortlessly stylish. My eyes couldn’t help but follow his every move, intrigued by this new presence in my life.

Little did I know then that we would end up attending the same college, albeit in different departments. Our paths crossed occasionally, and each interaction fueled my curiosity about him. However, as time passed, I began to realize that my initial infatuation was based solely on superficial impressions.

It wasn’t until I observed his actions and behaviour more closely that I saw a different side of him—a side that didn’t align with the image I had created in my mind. Despite my initial attraction, I never pursued anything with him, and looking back, I’m grateful for that decision.

The realization that he didn’t meet the standards I had subconsciously set based on appearance alone taught me a valuable lesson about relationships. It’s easy to be drawn to someone’s outward charm or physical appearance, but true compatibility and connection go beyond the surface.

I learned that the qualities that truly matter in a meaningful relationship—kindness, honesty, respect—are not always visible at first glance. It’s the inner beauty, the depth of character, that forms the foundation of a lasting connection.

Reflecting on this experience, I couldn’t help but draw parallels to the love and admiration I have for my father. He taught me that love is not just about grand gestures or superficial attraction; it’s about understanding, trust, and mutual respect.

As I navigate through the complexities of love and relationships, I carry with me the lessons learned from my first crush and the unwavering love of my father. They serve as guiding lights, reminding me to look beyond the surface and cherish the qualities that truly define a meaningful connection.

One response to ““First Crush: Navigating Love Through Childhood Memories””

  1. the illustration’s so cuteee!

    Liked by 1 person

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