The Power of Truth

In the heart of silence, truth whispers its might,
A beacon in the darkness, piercing the night.
With the gentlest touch, it begins its rise,
Shattering the illusions, dispelling the lies.

Falsehoods may tower, with shadows so vast,
Their presence imposing, their grip tight and fast.
But deep within, they tremble and sway,
For truth’s whisper can lead them astray.

It takes all our strength, to hold onto the real,
To face every challenge, to fight and to heal.
The false may seem stronger, bold in their claim,
But truth’s gentle flame will consume their shame.

In the calm of dawn, where light softly blooms,
Truth stands resilient, dispelling the glooms.
It takes too much energy, to nurture a lie,
While truth’s pure essence will never die.

So let the false parade, in power and pride,
For they know not the strength, that truth does provide.
In the end, when shadows fade and the day is new,
The power of truth will always come through.

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