“Night Rain’s Peaceful Whisper”

In the quiet night, rain gently falls,
Its soft touch calms, as darkness calls.
Each drop whispers a soothing tune,
Making worries fade, like a gentle kiss.

The dark sky glimmers, reflecting light,
Rain’s embrace brings a peaceful sight.
Troubles melt away with every drop,
Leaving behind a tranquil stop.

Let the rain in the night be your friend,
Bringing calmness that doesn’t end.
In its gentle fall, find solace and peace,
As worries and stress gently cease.

In the night’s quiet, raindrops fall,
Softly calming, soothing all.
Darkness feels less scary, less stark,
As raindrops dance, a peaceful spark.

Each drop whispers, “It’s alright,
Let worries fade, sleep tonight.”
The night feels cozy, safe, and sound,
With rain’s gentle touch all around.

So let the rain in the night console,
Your heart, your mind, your soul.
In its quiet, calming embrace,
Find peace, find rest, find grace.

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